Miyagi Explorer

Perfect guide to the south of Miyagi prefecture

Mori no Kaze

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Mori no Kaze

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Japan Famous Pork TOP10, a store where you can eat for just 900 yen.

(photo by : http://www.city.kakuda.lg.jp/syoko/page00201.shtml)

  • 〒Asahimachi-33-3 Kakuda, Kakuda-shi, Miyagi-ken 981-1505

  • Around an 8 minute walk from Kakuda station

  • 【Lunch Hours】11:30~14:30 【Dinner Hours】17:30~22:00 【Night-time bar】17:30~22:00

  • Lunch800~1500 Yen Japanese set, Western set, Pasta set, Curry set 650 Yen~Steak rice bowl 1000 Yen free refills on white rice and soups, coffee service