Miyagi Explorer

Perfect guide to the south of Miyagi prefecture

Kokuei Michinokumorinokohan Park

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Kokuei Michinokumorinokohan Park

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Kokuei Michinokumorinokohan Park

There are lots of different flowers, if you visit in the correct season then you can see them and also experience various events.

  • 〒989-1505Nihonmatsu-53-9 Ono, Kawasaki-machi, Shibata-gun, Miyagi-ken 989-1505Nihonmatsu-53-9 Ono, Kawasaki-machi, Shibata-gun, Miyagi-ken 989-1505

  • Sendai Station Bus:60minutes ,Taxi:40~45minutes

  • "Spring 3/1~ 6/30:9:30~17:00 Summer 7/1~ 8/31:9:30~18:00 Autumn 9/1~10/31:9:30~17:00 Winter 11/1~the end February:9:30~16:00 "

  • "Adult(15 years and older) 410 Yen Children(Elementary School・Middle School) 80 Yen Silver(65 and over) 210 Yen "