Tokinenoyado Yunushi Ichijo
accommodation_en / shiroishi_city_en

Holds lots of history.
Has over 600 years of history and tradition.
Recognized as a national cultural asset , you can eat food at the ichijomoto-kan.
Ichijomoto-kan is currently being used as private rooms.
〒989-02311-48 Kamazaki Fukuokakuramoto, Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi-ken 989-0231
Shiroishi Interchange distance is 15minutes ,Shiroishi Zao Station ,Shiroishi station distance is 15 minutes by car.
Check-in 15:00,Check-out 11:00
27000 Yen (Food included) There are various plans for staying overnight, The lowest price for the lodge is a 2-person room where each person pays 16350 Yen
No Fixed Holidays