Miyagi Explorer

Perfect guide to the south of Miyagi prefecture

Kojuro no sato

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Kojuro no sato

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Three kinds of white vegetables.

White corn, White pumpkin and White sweet potatoes.

They are selling and trying to bring back the Sasanishiki variety of rice.

This rice, which is strong against diseases made its début, however, in its prime it was the rice eaten by the highest rank of sumo wrestlers.

  • 〒989-02321 Hattomaki Funaokanagafukuro, Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi-ken

  • "《When coming from Sendai》
    Come off Shiroishi interchange, head down national highway 4 for around 3 minutes on the right side.You can't get into the right side directly from Sendai,so come off as shown in the arrow above,and then head right once more and come off at the west exit.
    《If coming from Fukushima》
    Head down national highway 4, once you've gotten past Shiroishi great bridge, 2~3minutes should pass before it's on your right. If coming from Fukushima just head right instantly."

  • 【Full Working Hours】9:00~18:00

  • 1000 Yen