Miyagi Explorer

Perfect guide to the south of Miyagi prefecture

Spashland Shiroishi

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Spashland Shiroishi

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Has the biggest pool in the Miyagi Prefecture at 50 meters.

  • 〒989-023318 Nishikawakubo Obara, Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi-ken

  • 15 minutes by car from Shiroishi station,15 minutes from Shiroishi Zao Interchange

  • 【Full Working Hours】10:00~20:00 Pool closes at 7:30pm

  • For the pool and shower ticket is it Adult 1440 Yen(Just pool is 720 Yen,Just bath is610 Yen),Child is 920 Yen(Just pool is 410 Yen,Just bath is 410 Yen)

  • 0701~0831

  • Wednesday December 28th~31st,Also closed for some days near the end of October for inspections

  • 有り

  • Cash

  • 022-429-2326

  • 022-429-2328

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