Spashland Shiroishi
activity_en, sports_en / shiroishi_city_en

Has the biggest pool in the Miyagi Prefecture at 50 meters.
〒989-023318 Nishikawakubo Obara, Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi-ken
15 minutes by car from Shiroishi station,15 minutes from Shiroishi Zao Interchange
【Full Working Hours】10:00~20:00 Pool closes at 7:30pm
For the pool and shower ticket is it Adult 1440 Yen(Just pool is 720 Yen,Just bath is610 Yen),Child is 920 Yen(Just pool is 410 Yen,Just bath is 410 Yen)
Wednesday December 28th~31st,Also closed for some days near the end of October for inspections