Miyagi Explorer

Perfect guide to the south of Miyagi prefecture


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Received the national sake prize in heisei year 29, they have the sake that received that prize available.

They have a lot of sake brewed without sugar as well. They have old sake bottles on view as well, they are planning to put them on exhibition next mark.

  • 〒989-0253120-1 Higashikōji, Shiroishi-shi, Miyagi-ken 989-0253

  • Shiroishi Interchange distance is 5,6minutes ,Shiroishi Zao Station distance by car is 5minutes ,10 minutes walk from Shiroishi station

  • 【Full Working Hours】10:00~16:00 This is the time for the store.

  • 5000 Yen

  • Sunday ,Public Holidays Every 2nd and 4th Saturday is a holiday. December has no fixed holidays. From 2018 they are planned to have no holidays at all.

  • 有り

  • Cash

  • 022-425-3355

  • 022-425-3272

  • HomePage Link