Miyagi Explorer

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Miyagi Chrysanthemum Big festival Shibata

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Miyagi Chrysanthemum Big festival Shibata

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Thanks to a lot of cultivators inside of the prefecture, over 2500 Chrysanthemums will be on display.
You can see the flowers which are used to cloth sakutogata (doll clothed in chrysanthemum flowers and branches) as well Mt.Fuji, senbonzakura, Mt.Zao and much more.

  • 〒989-1606You can see the flowers which are used to cloth sakutogata (doll clothed in chrysanthemum flowers and branches) as well Mt.Fuji, senbonzakura, Mt.Zao and much more.

  • 15 minutes walk from JR funaoka station

  • 【เวลาเปิดให้บริการ】9:00~13:00

  • Entrance Fee Adult200 Yen, Child 100 Yen