Miyagi Explorer

Perfect guide to the south of Miyagi prefecture

Kawarago Dam

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Kawarago Dam

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A place that wants to get across the amazing trees and water to the next generation.

"―An then, the lives that are inhabiting that place…―
「Fukino Forest」underwent reforestation during the showa era, however, the trees that had already been cut down to lumber, was said to be used for the foot of Mt.Zao as well as the water source dam all for the purpose of helping keep the view nice and the environment safe, it was bought and the management of the Fukino forest continued. Fukino forest has 39 hectares of land and is mainly full of akamatsu trees, however, there are also Japanese feech and Konra trees as well as various flowers such as Kerria and Yamatsutsuji."

You can enjoy all the difference seasons.

Fukino Forest which lies on the outskirts of Kawarako Dam is a place where you can become one with nature. It has various public walking paths as well as rest areas, starting at amadzuya, there are also toilet facilities throughout. We also see many people who enjoy trekking here and taking picture of Mt.Fudo which reflects off the lakes water.

  • 〒Hachimiya, Fukuoka, Shiroishi, Miyagi Prefecture

  • 30 minutes from Shiroishi station

  • No Hours

  • Free